The Company Human Resources
In Arkan Aldear Company accomplished many successes, which had been achieved through the hard work of a very professional team and Allah blesses.
Arkan Aldear realised that the employment of the Libyan youth is not just a noble goal, but also it's a reflection of our commitment and dedication to the renaissance of the country, and we strive withal our potential to give opportunities to the youth in order to achieve success.
As a product of that vision, the company included elite cadre of specialised competencies and owners of high efficiencies in the fields of construction and hereafter we explain the categories of the company cadre:
- Leadership: 5 members.
- Administrative: 10 members.
- Financial: 7 members.
- Technical labour: 70.
- Operator: 50 members.
- Safety and security: 23.
- Regular labour: 150.
- Total No. 300 employee.